
Материалы: рисовая бумага, сухая игла, шинкале
32,3 sm x 23 sm
Category: prints
Item Number: 002767
9 000 / 90 €
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About the Work
About the Artist

Работа «Украдкой» часть графической серии «Будьте трогательны». Она была задумана как рассказ о том, что окружает каждого, и о красоте простого. Прикосновение к близким, которые далеко, встреча с самим собой, рефлексия о ежедневном и наблюдение за малым.

Artist and illustrator from St. Petersburg. She graduated from the High School of Printing and Media Technologies with a degree in Graphic Art and take part in Free workshops: School of Contemporary Art, Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Elizabeth is the author of many projects of visual and situational art. In art, she considers it important to immerse the viewer in the author’s artistic environment, respect for the surrounding space, and to have an experimental approach to the topic and visual material. Member of Russian and international exhibitions since 2016. The first solo exhibition was in 2019.

“I create a special art about beauty and the main things, as I feel and understand this”.