Art consulting TEO by Cosmoscow
- Art consultant can help you in formulating your request,
- selecting suitable artwork and giving recommendations, taking into account the trends of the market,
- introducing you to gallerists and artists,
- recommending you relevant exhibitions, books and movies,
- keeping you informed of price changes and everything related to the artworks you have purchased for your collection.
- you want to buy a contemporary artwork but do not know where to start,
- you want to expand your knowledge of contemporary art in order to become an independent art collector,
- you are looking for a new artwork to fit perfectly in your existing collection,
- if you know exactly what you want to buy but do not know where to buy it and how,
- if you are looking for an artwork on the secondary market,
- if you want to be up-to-date with the news of contemporary art.
- Online platform TEO was created by the team of Cosmoscow, the most prominent and the only international contemporary art fair in Russia at the moment. The first edition of the fair took place back in 2010. Since its second edition in 2014, Cosmoscow takes place annually in September, securing its place in the international art calendar.
- Cosmoscow has a wide network of contacts and collaborates with gallerists and artists both throughout Russia and abroad.
- Being constantly updated, Online platform for contemporary art TEO brings together hundreds of artworks by contemporary artists, making it much easier to find an artwork for your collection
- By purchasing TEO Art Consulting Service you become a Cosmoscow client and will be able to: visit the Cosmoscow art fair on the Preview Day – during special hours for art collectors; receive special offers by our partners; as a bonus we will invite you to a trial visit to one of the private events of the Cosmoscow Collectors Clubs (regular price – 12,500 Rubles). It is up to you to decide whether you choose an exhibition with an acclaimed curator, a private dinner or a VIP invitation to the most anticipated art opening.
- 1 consultation
- art consultant will help to formulate your request more precisely
- name artists and artworks for the further reference as well as will prepare a list of galleries that will be useful to visit
- 2-3 consultations
- together with consultant you will form your request
- the consultant will make selections of artworks and send them to you by WhatsApp, Telegram or e-mail, accompanied by the comments
- you will be able to discuss the choice from the artworks proposed
- the consultant will provide you with the contact of the gallerist or an artist, will assist you during the deal, and, if necessary, will give advice on logistics, installation and insurance of the artwork
- unlimited consultation time
- clarifications of the request
- recommendations of the consultant (taking into account market trends)
- personalised selection of artworks
- support at every step of the deal