Alexandra Ostrovskaya

Works: 1
About the artist
Creativity and exhibitions
Alexandra Ostrovskaya received her artistic education at the Higher Academic School of Graphic Design, in the workshop of Boris Trofimov, and also graduated from the Moscow Art and Industrial School, specialization: artistic carpet weaving.

“I experiment with building and household materials, look for a new plastic language of textiles, invent technologies. I am interested in scientific discoveries, psychology and esotericism. In particular: the ideas of quantum physics, the theory of the multidimensionality of the world.

Textiles for me are, first of all, a way of thinking, a structure, a search for the essence. According to ancient people, the world was woven by the great Weaver. The Weaver's thread connected everything that exists into the pattern of the universe. Modern physicists are studying this same idea, calling it string theory. Modern psychologists talk about the collective unconscious, esotericists talk about cause-and-effect relationships on a cosmic scale. For me it's all one. And this is the source of my inspiration."



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