A Room for Everyone

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Материалы: Коллаж, смешанная техника
29.7 sm x 21 sm
Category: collage
Item Number: 000612
47 500 / 500 €
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About the Artist

Oleg Dautov is a Voronezh artist, musician, poet. He was born in Tambov in 1989. Graduated from Tambov State Technical University (2006-2011). Since 2014 has been living in Voronezh. Dautov in his artworks uses collage technique, graphics and mixed media. Basically he tends to small format.

Trying to avoid political and social engagement, the artist’s attention is focused on, some kind of visual poetry and on formal rhymes, diary outgivings, where internal intimate spaces, verbally not specified serve as the form of the diary.