Супремы над болотом

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Материалы: Холст, акрил
80 sm x 100 sm
Category: painting
Item Number: 014557
4 200 000 / 42 000 €
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About the Artist

Pavel Pepperstein is a Russian artist, writer and musician. He was born in 1966 in a family of the Moscow conceptual artist Viktor Pivovarov and the writer Irina Pivovarova. Pepperstein participated in the various large biennials of contemporary art: International Biennale in Sao Paulo (2004), Venice Biennale (2009), Manifesta (2014). In 2014, he became a laureate of the Kandinsky Prize in the main category ‘Project of the Year’ with the ‘Holy Politics’. His works are in the collections of the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), the Louvre (Paris), the Pompidou Center (Paris), Kunsthalle Düsseldorf (Dusseldorf) and others.