Набор Бегемотопись

1 игрушка, 2 банки с краской по 50мл, холст, цветной карандаш, мастихин, нитки с иголкой, открытка с подписью художника и ссылкой на видео инструкцию
размер коробки с набором: 22х16х4 см
размер холста: 60х80 см
Russian artist. Painter, sculptor, author of assemblages and installations. Comparing art with play and therapy, Tavasiev puts soft toys in the central way of his works.
Rostan Tavasiev graduated from Karl Faberge Professional Lyceum of Arts and Crafts, Stroganov Moscow State University of Art and Industry and the Institute of Contemporary Art. The works are in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, Russia), the NCCA (Moscow, Russia), the Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow, Russia), the Tomsk Regional Art Museum (Tomsk, Russia), the Krasnoyarsk Museum Center (Krasnoyarsk, Russia), Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Moscow, Russia).

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