Dmitri cockloft
Dmitri cockloft
Works: 0
Dmitry Cockloft (1992) — an artist, painter, graduated from the Samara Pedagogical University with a degree in Art. He has participated in the exhibition “The Journey Invitation” (2021, Samara.
Curator: Sergey Balandin). Cockloft is distinguished by a hyper-realistic style of painting, using canvas and oil, rare for the Samara school. In 2019, during the Covid pandemic, he decided to turn to fine art and painted his first pieces - ceramic figurines - characterised by his particular style, choice of plot, key characters, and scale. The portrayal of multiple enlarged ceramic figurines strike the viewer with the quality of workmanship. The enchanting reflective effects and chiaroscuro convey the sense of luxury, and candid glamour.