Katia Pugach


Katia Pugach
Works: 5

Katia Pugach is a Russian artist who has been residing in Rome (Italy) for the last 10 years. Katia’s artistic principle is to make a gesture and to leave a sign as a reminder of her life’s past experiences.

She continues to develop her art in different forms, that include paintings, installations, bio art, conceptual photo projects, balance performing and sculptures. In more recent years she has spent increased time focusing on paintings and experiments with new techniques and materials. Katia's most recent important works are based on technique of the application of volcanic black sand on surface. Foundation of her work is a classical concept of forms which are created by the forces of nature itself. It is a type of visual metaphor, in which nature encourages the human desire to achieve order, balance, unity and symmetry. Works of Katia Pugach are presented in the permanent collection of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Petrovka 25), Moscow Multimeia Art Museum.

1 370 000
Instinct or Aspiration to Symmetry
520 000
Pure Energy
104 000
Instinct or Aspiration to Symmetry
104 000
Instinct or Aspiration to Symmetry
104 000
Instinct or Aspiration to Symmetry


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10 000
Экспресс-консультация Cкидка 50%
10 000 5 000
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30 000
Расширенная консультация Cкидка 50%
15 000 5 000
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