
Meeting with yourself. Cat-2

Materials: digital collage, print on paper, no frame
29 см x 21 см
Category: editions
Item Number: 019857
5 000
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About the Work
About the Artist

Seriya rabot «Nemaya kritika» V svoikh kollazhakh khudozhnik dopolnyayet fotografii, sdelannyye na smartfon, emodzi, ispol'zuya ikh v nesvoystvennykh im kontekstakh – sozdavaya vyskazyvaniya na sotsial'nyye, politicheskiye, kul'turnyye temy. Tem samym on pereformatiruyet smysl izobrazheniya i vyvodit emodzi iz oblasti naivnogo «ukrashatel'stva» v sferu iskusstva; sami emodzi pri etom stanovyatsya klyuchom dlya transformatsii prostranstva.


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Series of works "Silent Criticism"

In his collages, the artist supplements photographs taken on a smartphone with emojis, using them in unusual contexts - creating statements on social, political, cultural topics. In this way, he reformats the meaning of the image and takes emojis from the realm of naive "decoration" to the realm of art; the emojis themselves become the key to transforming space.

The link between new technology and traditional media, where errors, program failures or visual content from social media serve as means to create new images. My works are an attempt at exploring the environment, immersing myself in a complex urban space and bringing it to the plane of subtle links and non-verbal references.