The River Taw

Материалы: Фотограмма
181,5 sm x 73 sm
Category: photography
Item Number: 002411
1 850 000 / 18 500 €
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About the Work
About the Artist

В своих фотографиях Дерджес создает визуальные метафоры, исследующие отношения между внутренним миром художницы и природой, стремится охватить как видимые, так и невидимые научные и природные процессы. Дерджес известна своим экспериментальным методом создания фотографий без традиционной камеры с использованием разных техник, включая фотограмму. Камера всегда отделяет объект от зрителя, Дерджес же интересует более интимный контакт с миром.

Susan Derges was born in London in 1955. She studied painting at the Chelsea College of Art and Design (1973–1976) and at the Slade School of Art (1977–1979). In 1981 — 1985 she lived and worked in Japan, conducting PhD research at Tsukuba University. It was at that time that she had carried out her first experiments with photogram (otherwise called camera less photography), a technique that allows to create photographic images without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material and then exposing it to light. The technique will become a prominent one in Derges’ artistic practice. She often uses natural environment as an improvisatory photo lab, placing photographic paper on the river bed and allowing the images to be exposed through ambient light, aided by the use of a flash gun. Derges thus creates metaphorically rich images that underline the link between the humanity and the nature. She currently lives and work in Devon, UK.

Susan Derges' work is in the collection of museums around the world including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; and the Hara Art Museum, Tokyo.