Alexander Zakharov is a contemporary Russian artist of two-dimensional space. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Member of the legendary squat in Furmanny Lane. In the late 1980s, he signed a contract with the Stuart Levy Gallery (New York) and left for the United States. In the 1990s, he regularly held solo exhibitions in the best galleries of Soho. In the late 1990s he returned to Russia. Zakharov's works are presented at the CASE - Museum
of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey, USA), Zimmerli Museum (New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA), UN (Russian Club, New York, USA), New York Public Library (New York USA), Museum of Imagination (Hudson,USA), Duke University Museum of Art (Durham, USA), The Fogg Museum of Art (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA), The Portland Museum of Art (Oregon, USA), State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), State Museum of
Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin (Moscow) and private collections. Having been engaged in artistic printing for many years, working at different times with different technologies - from edged woodcuts to offset lithography, today he turned to new types of printing. Each miniature, being a finished picture, at the same time serves as a graphic printer with something
like a “negative” for creating works of printed colour graphics on its basis.He uses this small “negative” as a basis (like a copper original board in engraving) to create printed sheets that are much larger than the original. The result of a long and complex work with colour is a digital “board” with
which it prints a limited edition. This is a very important part of his creative method. Enlarged PRINT is a kind of help for the viewer to “see” the space, sometimes the size of a palm, in all details, without resorting to magnifying devices. The resulting images are independent works in the field of colour printing.

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