Gleb Teleshov


Gleb Teleshov
Works: 9

Gleb Teleshov can be called an author in the broad sense of the word. For him, creativity is rather a way of life and a way of cognising the world around him, through photography and cinema.

Through photography, Teleshov captures matter at a particular moment in time: he pays attention to details, examines them, and emphasizes his gaze on them. This meditative process allows the author, through the fixation of the world around her, to delve into her subconscious.

Gleb's artistic practice centres on the theme of the relationship between space and time. The author believes that matter, as a constantly changing substance, creates a kind of image-myth, which we perceive as time.

The author's tendency to idealise is displayed in the aestheticization of forms, which allows us to observe the change and content of objects. All these practices broaden the author's view of the world and allow him to look at matter from an unfamiliar angle.

180 000
From the series “Thr Artificial Memories”
180 000
From the series “Thr Artificial Memories”
270 000
From the series “Thr Artificial Memories”
150 000
The Plastic Bag: The First Generation
150 000
The Plastic Bag: The Second Generation
150 000
The Plastic Bag: The Third Generation
90 000
From the series “The Past After Us”
90 000
From the series “The Past After Us”
90 000
From the series “The Past After Us”


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10 000 5 000
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30 000
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15 000 5 000
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