Personal exhibition of Nikita Parechin. "Through the Light"

Personal exhibition of Nikita Parechin. "Through the Light"

The project is inspired by the study of the nature of the middle zone. The artist often travels by bicycle and spends a lot of time hiking. 

In the new exhibition Nikita Parechin, for the first time, presented photographs in addition to painting. The exhibition's exposition expressively rhymes the author's works with the context of the space and design objects presented in the gallery. Ease in painting is achieved by gradually applying several layers of highly diluted oil to a thin canvas. Landscapes filled with air create a feeling of infinity of space.

“The title “Through the Light” most accurately describes the conceptual side of the project and is applicable to all my works, including those where light is not the main character. The materialization of fleeting, barely perceptible states is not the final goal; rather, each medium - canvas, graphics or photography - becomes a stage for a hidden metaphysical action, perceptible beyond the bounds of consciousness."

Nikita Parechin

Работы с выставки

Filling, 2024
oil on canvas
100см x 140см
550 000
Evening light, 2024
oil on canvas
140см x 100см
550 000
Shine, 2023
oil on canvas
100см x 140см
550 000
Filling, 2023
oil on canvas
200см x 200см
950 000